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ICC Innovation: Transforming How Communities Operate and Thrive
ICC Innovation is redefining how municipalities can achieve their goals for safer, more resilient, and effective communities with a comprehensive suite of leading-edge technologies. General Code is proud to play a key role in shaping the digital future of local governments and we’re excited about the valuable benefits it will bring to our clients.
Connecting Coast-to-Coast with Municipal Leaders
We’ve traveled coast-to-coast, meeting municipal leaders and introducing solutions like ICC Innovation. Read more about our journeys.
Kirk Franklin Receives Distinguished Alumni Award
For his outstanding contributions to public administration, Kirk Franklin, our National Accounts Manager, has been honored by Texas Tech University.
International Code Council Establishes Endowment Fund to Support IIMC Foundation’s Educational Mission
The International Code Council (ICC) is proud to announce a new endowment fund for the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC).
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