Code Delivery Options

General Code will update your online code as soon as you send us new legislation. Many jurisdictions rely solely on their online codes, printing sections or chapters as needed from the online version, and no longer maintain a print version.

For those jurisdictions that require a printed volume of their code, printed update projects are prepared on a periodic calendar schedule as determined by the customer with our recommendation of an annual schedule. Before starting the project, we send reminders for all printed update projects to assess whether new ordinances have been passed and need to be incorporated into the print version. General Code can mail hard copy volumes or upload PDFs to the User Portal for the jurisdiction to print and distribute independently.

Options for printed and PDF updates are below. If you need to establish or update your preferences, please email us at [email protected].

Code Deliverable:

No Print Version. No printed volume is maintained. All code updates are to the online code only.

PDF Download. A PDF file of all pages needed to bring the printed volume up to date is uploaded to the User Portal, and can be downloaded, saved, shared, and printed. The pages from the PDF file are also incorporated into an archived PDF file of the full code, and the updated full code PDF file is also uploaded to the User Portal.

Full Code PDF Download. A completely new PDF file of the code is generated from the code source files, up to date through the latest legislation incorporated into the online code, and is then uploaded to the User Portal for download.

Hard Copy. Physical copies of the pages needed for updating the printed volume are mailed. The PDF file for the printed update, as well as the PDF file of the full code with the printed update incorporated, are added to the User Portal for download.

Full Code Hard Copy. Complete code copies are printed and mailed. A PDF file of the full code is also uploaded to the User Portal for download.


Annual, Semi-annual, Quarterly, On Demand. Let us know your preferred schedule, including which months you would like to receive your printed updates.
(Please note online codes are updated on demand regardless of print choice)

Number of Sets:

Let us know how many hard copies you would like of your printed updates or full code prints.

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