Boost transparency with constituents – and make life easier for municipal staffs with eCode360 Notes.
An electronic note posted to a section of your eCode360 online code can lead constituents directly to the information they’re looking for — and even information they didn’t know they needed. Municipal staffs benefit too, because Notes answer many of the phone calls and emails they normally field for commonly asked questions about the code.
Post electronic notes to sections of your code that are important for the community to see
Once logged in to eCode360 you can create Notes to:
- Direct users to important announcements, helpful forms or permits
- Provide constituents with links to county, state and federal information sites
- Highlight a change in a regulation that may require community action
- Confirm or clarify information in a specific code chapter
- Save time answering calls to common questions
Here’s a great example of how Notes is being used to communicate important information to communities like yours.

New to eCode360 Notes or need a refresher on how to use it?
For more information, call 800.836.8834 or visit [email protected].